Economic Development & Foreign Trade
![A looping animated loading symbol on a white background. A looping animated loading symbol on a white background.](
![A looping animated loading symbol on a white background. A looping animated loading symbol on a white background.](
1- Current View on Egyptian Economy
This part shows how Egypt has successfully instituted an Economic Reform Program that has transformed Egypt into a vital emerging market. Even after financial cruises that hit many emerging economies ended with September 11th events, Egypt succeeded to embrace the necessary policy measures to put the economy back on track. This part also explains the effect of such economic policies on the Financial Markets Industry. It includes:
a- The increasing importance of trade negotiations, on the multilateral, regional, and bilateral levels.
b- The increasing complexity of trade issues’ negotiations:
i. The Macro Economy.
ii. Regulatory Framework for the Financial System.
iii. Trade Reforms.
iv. Reducing the Role of the Government in the Production of Goods and Services.
v. Egypt’s Sovereign Credit Rating.
-The Effect of the Economic Reform on the Financial Markets Industry
-Privatization in Egyptian Banking System
i. What is Privatization?
ii. Advantages of Public Banks Privatization in Egypt.
2- The Global Economic Crisis & Its Implications on Egypt Economy
This part of the training will demonstrate different suggested economic indicators of economic downturn worldwide. It will highlight its effect on the Middle East. And it will focus on its effect on Egypt economy. As there are direct & indirect effects to the Global economic crisis. The direct negative effects include Suze Canal revenues, tourism revenues, & oil revenues. And the indirect effects include the rate of the national economy growth and the performance of its different sectors. It will focus on the role of the Ministry of Trade & Industry in facing the crisis, and its policies to control its effects.
-Inflation & Recession.
-The Banking System.
-Real State Finance.
-Balance of Payments & Exchange Rate.
-General State Budget.
-Stock Market.
-Income Distribution .
3- The Effect of the Global Economic Crisis on the Monetary Policy
Here, the role of the Central Bank of Egypt and the Monetary Policy implementation at different stages of market development will be demonstrated specially after the Global Crisis. As the CBE is committed to achieving, over the medium term, low rates of inflation which it believes are essential for maintaining confidence and for sustaining high rates of investment and economic with price stability being the primary and growth. The Government’s endorsement of the objective of price stability and its commitment to fiscal consolidation is quite important for achieving this objective.
-Monetary Policy Environment.
-Financial Market Infrastructure.
-Monetary Policy instruments.
4- The Role of State Institutions in Economic Development (Egypt Model)
a- The role of the Ministry of Trade & Industry.
b- The role of the Ministry of Investment.
c- The role of the Ministry of Finance.
5- Current Trends for Developing Small & Medium Enterprises
This part of the training will demonstrate the role of the Social Fund for Development in developing Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Sector. It includes:
a- Small Enterprises developing Act no. 141 of 2004.
b- Characteristics & components of SMEs, and difficulties it faces and how to deal with them.
c- The effect of SMEs of economic development.
d- Managing the design, quality, & sustainability of SMEs projects.
6- Promotion of Foreign Trade in Egypt
Here, issues of foreign trade in Egypt which are spread over different ministries will be introduced, its rules and regulations, problems facing, and the relation between the private sector and the government and the pitfalls that relation suffer from. It will also demonstrate different agreements and commodity exchange between Egypt and Africa, Asia, USA, & Europe.
-Status of Foreign Trade in Egypt
-Trade Policy in Egypt (internal dimension).
-Trade Policy in Egypt (external dimension).
-Explaining the problems and suggesting solutions.
-International Business Linkages.
-How to deal with Foreign Trade.
-Organizing Foreign Economic & Trade Relations; Bilateral.
-Organizing Foreign Economic & Trade Relations; Regional.
-Protection of Domestic Market against imports.
-Strategic options in international markets Requirements – Considerations – Foundation – Investing – Strategies.
7- Egypt Commercial Representation
This point will give an overview on the Egyptian experience around, Egypt offices, and their activities. It will highlight the cooperation between Egypt and different regions of the world including Africa, Asia, USA, & Europe in different industries including textile. etc.
8- Export – Import Operations
Here, different export and import activities and operations will be covered taking into consideration the globalization of the world. And, it will highlights such activities and operations in Egypt which includes:
-Import & Export procedures.
-Import & Export inspection.
-Temporary Admission & Drawback.
-Transparency & Predictability.
9- World Trade Organization (WTO) Negotiation
-Historical background:
b.Uruguay Round (1986-94).
-WTO Negotiations.
-Brief about a real successful experience in negotiation.
-Establishment of WTO (Marrakech 15 April, 1994).
-Structure and objectives of WTO.
-WTO Agreement:
a. Goods.
b. Services.
c. Intellectual Property.
d. Settlement of Disputes.
-Negotiating Accession to WTO (Issues; Skills & Requirements) ISSUES.
-Strategic Trade Policy & the New International Economics.
-Tariff Protectionism (Structure & Economic Reflection).
-Non-Tariff Protectionism.
-Negotiation Strategies.
-Negotiation Tactics.
-Structures and objectives of the WTO.
-WTO and its relations with other international economic and financial organizations.
-The problems of joining WTO for countries in Transitional economic transformation.
10- Egypt in the Framework of the World Trade Organization
Egypt has been always an active member in the WTO and formerly the GATT. It has been one of the active developing countries so as Brazil and India who always play an important role in defending the developing countries’ interest, so this part will include:
-Brief description of the different agreements under the auspices of the WTO (Agriculture, Services, TRIPS, etc.).
-Evaluation of Egypt’s commitments in the WTO compared to other developing countries.
-What position should Egypt take in the negotiations in the future rounds?
11- Investment
The year 2007 witnessed many achievements in the investment domain on both local and world levels where net foreign direct investment increased during FY 2006/2007 to reach $ 11.1 billion. Flows of foreign direct investment became one of most important sources of increase in net international reserves in Egypt which increased with the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to reach $ 30.9 billion at the end of October 2007.
Promoting Investment
– Introduction to Modern Investment.
– Concepts and benefits.
– Implementation follow up.
– Budgeting & control.
– Performance Analysis & Deviation assessment.
– Foreign Investment promotion.
– Introduction to Foreign Investment promotion.
– Private Foreign Investment (Pros & Cons).
– Motives & regulations for foreign investment.
– FDI and Foreign Indirect Investment.
Egypt Investment Promotion
This part shows how the Egyptian government encourages the private sector to invest in projects that contribute to the economic development of the country through different kinds of investment including Tourism Investment as one of the most important fields of investment I Egypt. It includes:
– How beneficial are foreign investments for developing countries?
– Inland investment in Egypt (fields on investment, the guarantees, incentives, incorporation of a company under investment law).
– Tourism Investment.
– Overview: Egypt’s Free Zones (Privileges, Incentives, Exemption and Guarantees).
– Management of Foreign Financial Resources.
– Egypt as a country donor.
– Efforts for improving the climate of Investment.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes